Secure Your Cargo

Secure The Cargo In Your Trailers

Truck cargo theft incident reports are up 25% year-over-year and up 6% from May. Over holiday weekends, those numbers trend higher as thieves plot and have extra time to “shop around” for sitting cargo. At the end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, the hot commodity for thieves was electronics. Now, household goods have been reported as the top stolen commodity. Food and beverage moving into the No. 2 spot. Vehicles and accessories coming in third, and electronics dropping to fourth in a short window of time. Organized truck cargo theft rings that target shipments throughout the Southeast and Midwest showed a strong presence during the Memorial Day holiday and continue to operate. Ultimately, cargo thieves enjoy the holidays because shipping volume of desirable goods increases, as does demand. To mitigate the risk of theft, experts advise carriers to invest in high-security locks, tracking devices, and secured parking whenever possible.

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